Who/what are the main narrative agents (ie characters/props/settings) for this text? How do we know?
The main narrative agent is displayed on this poster by the main image. The image comprehends the two main actors in the movie in their bedroom illustrating that it is set in a house which increases the fear of the audiences because it breaks through the boundary of where you are safe. Your house is supposed to be a safe place, but this film breaks that typical rule. The colours are very gloomy and dusky creating shadows which represents that something supernatural is going to be taking place. We know that it is going to be scary, which is the genre of the film because the words written under the title “don’t see it alone” give a warning. The quotes on the poster give others opinions to the viewers. The quote sets an expectation for the target audience.
Our poster will similaraly feature the main characters, we want to show the close relationship between them. An inkling in the poster is something we plan to further develop and make obvious to the audience within the footage of the trailer. This is important for us to feature, as it displays that they rely on each other as the plot is presented in the trailer.
The colours of our poster will typically be the same, gloomy rather than bright as it matches the genre.
Our poster will similaraly feature the main characters, we want to show the close relationship between them. An inkling in the poster is something we plan to further develop and make obvious to the audience within the footage of the trailer. This is important for us to feature, as it displays that they rely on each other as the plot is presented in the trailer.
The colours of our poster will typically be the same, gloomy rather than bright as it matches the genre.
Does it conform to a formula? (eg horror convections/psychological thriller conventions).
I think the formula is conformed of being horror. I know this because horror film posters contain lots of darkness which this poster does. The horror conventions are proven as all horror posters are very dark, include red somewhere usually signifies blood or danger in the film. The use of red can also represent the love in other genres e.g. romantic films but for horror films the redness always gives the meaning of blood, fire and danger etc. The usage of black shadows in the picture also shows the genre and the fact of the darkness in the pairs life. The red stands out from the black background which is why the title of the film is chosen to be written in red so it catches peoples attention and gives the title more consideration.
The horror genre is usually signified on a poster by the colours. We plan to conform to such a formula through the use of colours as by doing so we dont need to actually label the product as a horror as the arrangement of the poster will speak for us.
Is it being broken up or linked by graphics?
The horror genre is usually signified on a poster by the colours. We plan to conform to such a formula through the use of colours as by doing so we dont need to actually label the product as a horror as the arrangement of the poster will speak for us.
Is it being broken up or linked by graphics?
The image appears to be a still shot from the film, and has the effect of the view of a video camera. The image is fuzzy and not completely clear which suggests it is a home video camera. If the audience saw the film, then viewed the poster they would understand the main image effect because the plot of the film involves the characters using their own video cameras to try and capture paranormal activity. The colour scheme of the poster matches the film genre.
We are not aiming for such a fuzzy image as it is not in the plot that the characters film the storyline themselves.
Are there clear character roles and functions being established/represented? We are not aiming for such a fuzzy image as it is not in the plot that the characters film the storyline themselves.
The image frames two characters, a male and female. Their body language presents them with common gender traits. The female seems to be leaning into the male for support as if she fears what she is pointing to and his arms looks to be going to hold her and protect her. It suggests the female may be the weaker of the two seeing as she leans into him.
Our poster will feature the two main characters running: from what is still a mystery to the audience as they view this promotional product. The characters hold hands as they run, encouraging each other to keep up and not fall behind when running, aswell as hinting at their relationship.
The reality in this poster is shown by the non special effects on the image. It is an ordinary captured image which shows a naturalistic situation. It is a video image. We know this by the time written on the bottom right corner which would not occur on a photograph. The closeness of the couple and the women pointing at the shadow on the door represents their frightfulness and their the fear for the situation.
The female character has no clothes on show and has wrapped herself up with the blanket illustrating real-life as how people would look like when they are woken up by something unexpectedly. The couple are shown to be very closely located at the other side of the bed making them be at a distance from the shadow. This represents real life behaviour and their panic towards the shadow on the door and also shows the reality of how people would react in those conditions.
The poster has very dark colours which represents the darkness of the story. Although the shadow on the door is located at a small area but the various dark shadows emerged on the image emphasise the shadow and make it dominant on the overall image. This representation of reality is demonstrated in the poster by the darkness in the picture/room which might be showing the darkness in their lives.
Therefore, the use of grey represents evil, misery and fear. As of the shadow on the door, the black signifies the dominance, depth and power of the shadow on the couple's lives.
The use of Red in the poster represents the presence of blood, danger and violence. This makes the poster look complete as a whole so I dont think there is any absence in the representation.
The target audience is predicted from Pearl and Dean's website which has a table showing what audience watches which genre films the most. As it is a 15 certificated film so the target audience would be ranged from 15-24. However, this genre would attract both sexes but the females would be slightly more atrracted than males. The target audience could be maintained at lower working class of whom include business owners, managers and supervisors.
The main characters of our project are male and female. This is to avoid attracting just one gender to our film but to appeal to all widening our target audience.