Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Magazine Cover

The initial problem we came across in the beginning steps of creating the magazine was when we were filming and taking still photos for the magazine cover. We captured shots which were not really eligible for a magazine cover as they were taken from behind of the characters backs and the set/location was in the background (old/haunted house). Looking back at the inspirational magazine covers we previously viewed we realised the obvious that magazine covers use an image of the main characters mid shots facing the camera so expressions are clearly presented. The following image is different to our initial flat plan, however it does include all the features we noted but just generally rearranged. We aim for a successful finished product such as this recent empire magazine cover. 
This is the image we chose to include on the magazine cover. Its a mid shot and clearly shows the main characters faces, thus they become recognisable to the audience. 

This is the final draft of our promotion magazine cover. We decided to make the magazine a horror special edition, with our product as the focus film as we understand that a constant horror film magazine is rare and its more likely to be a special edition.

The grey border is not part of our magazine cover, it is the background of photoshop where we created the product and then print screened it in order to upload it to this blog.

Thursday, 21 February 2013


Throughout this project so far we have encountered a few issues.
  • The ancilliary tasks (the poster and magazine cover) are to be created with the use of photoshop, something neither of us have any previous experience with thus we have struggled using this programme. Our college lecturer has briefly went through the basics of it with us aswell as supplying us with a powerpoint for us to refer back to for help as well as offering continuous support while we use the programme. We have found its more trial and error with discovering the uses of various buttons and how they alter the image/writing etc.
  • We previously found it hard to get hold of a working camera to film our footage due to other media classes in the college having the camera out for filming their coursework and had yet to return them. This slightly delayed us, however we did get to lend a camera in the end and captured some material soon after, then we gave it to another group so they could use it before we got it back and filmed more footage for our project.
  • We initially planned to have 4 actors in our trailer and we had four volunteers who were willing to be in the project. However different commitments and schedules proved to difficult to arrange a time for everyone to be available at once. We understoof this was all part of the challange but it proved to be a issue. We kept pushing filming back to a later date hoping we would get a chance to film with everyone. We eventually agreed to film with less people (2) as it was getting too risky leaving filming so late as we wanted a decent amount of time to edit the material and hoped it any shots were faulty we could go back and film again.
  • The weather is an unpredictable factor which everyone has to deal with and consider in regards to filming. The first time we went to the location to film, there was snow on the ground. We began to film regardless as we felt it didnt afftect the look of out film to a negative degree and we didnt want to put off filming anylonger as we werent too sure of how much longer the snow would lay on the ground, we assumed it would be another week at least. We hoped to complete all filming this day but the cold weather proved harsh and after a couple hours we headed back to the house to get warm again as the actors were freezing and felt they couldnt carryout the actions we wanted them to, so we decided to split the filming to two seperate occasions.  After this day of filming, the snow was gone by the next morning. We didnt want to waste the good footage we previously captured so instead of refilming it all, we decided to amend the first draft of the story board to consider a different location for some of the scenes we hadnt yet filmed to indoors so we could avoid having the continuity error of no snow.
  • During the creation on our promotional poster, we did not have the appropriate font of steal tongs to make our credits. Our lecturer helped us get use of it, and she went through the process of ringing the required people who could download it onto photoshop. This gave us an issue that we couldn't finish our poster until we had the font for the text. However, we moved on agreeing to go back to it so we did not waste time and began to develop our promotional magazine. 

Monday, 18 February 2013

Film poster

This is the first draft that we developed of the ancillary task for the promotional product of the poster. Our project teacher advised us to rearrange some of the elements as the left mid-section is too bare. We want to add in our institution logo, as well as credentials. However the style of text for this feature needs to be downloaded for which we need an admin at our college campus to do so, therefore we are going to request it as soon as possible so we can make the needed amendments. 

So far with the poster we are happy with the various individual elements. The image is at a canted angle, reflecting the characters point of view as they are confused and scared as the run from something unknown to the audience through this promotional product. Also the still shot is of a more secluded area rather than a open space, limiting the audiences range of knowledge.

At this point, we are also happy with the name of the film. The alliteration helps to make it catchy and memorable to the audience, and it rolls of the tongue easier. The tag line relates to what is known to the audience through this image, and involves them by asking a question. The aim of this tagline being a question is to send slight shivers up their spine as if this question is directed at them and only them.


The second draft we developed of the promotional product of the poster, saw us amend the poster to improve it in the ways our teacher advised.
We added a shadowed edge to the image as we felt their was too much wasted space on the edge of the image and it helps to direct the audiences eyes to the main part of the image. We also think these blurred black shadows are effective as it compliments the horror genre of our trailer. The shadows are quite thick, but we agreed this was an ideal width as it hide the empty space. To not make it seem as though this shadow is consuming the poster too much, we moved the tagline to the top of the poster. The aim of this is so after your first glance and you look over the poster, you generally look from top to bottom. By reading the tagline it gives the audience some idea of what occurs in the film. 
We have increased the size of the movie title as it the most important feature of a movie poster. The aim of a poster is to promote a product, thus we must make this element stand out and in this case we felt bigger was better. We changed the colour for this as we felt that in the previous draft there was too much red which was overwhelming. By changing the colour and size of the movie title, these changes helped to make the title stand out from other elements of the poster. At this point we think, the movie title is where the audiences eye will initially be drawn to. 
We included our production logo in this draft, we are still unsure if this is a element which will be kept in the final draft.
Also at the bottom of the page we included the promotional features of 'coming soon' and the website. We included this elements as they remind the audience to keep an eye out for the film and there is a place to visit for more information about the film. (We have not actually made a website as a promotional product though as it was not required in the brief).
The additional black space above this will be broken up by credits in the final draft, we are just currently waiting for the 'Steal Tongs' text to be downloaded by the college technician for our use. When this becomes available to us, we plan to remove the text on the left hand side with the directors names, and to move the position of the actors names on the right hand side.

The following is our final draft of the promotional poster. We are happy with this product as we feel it now has a completed look which accurately represents the horror genre. We amended our poster and now feel that it is ready to be seen as a completed horror genre poster in relation to our film trailer. 

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

The Location

Previous to filming, we visited the location we planned to film at and took some still photos. This was just to give us an idea of the area we were working in.

We felt the top of this small hill would allow us to have a good wide, high angle shot with could exaggerate a characters isolation at the bottom on the hill, as the characters lose each other and separate within the trailer.
 - When it came to the day of filming, we were unable to make this planned shot from the top of the hill due to construction taking place on the old railway line on top of this hill and for safety reasons we never took the shot.

The tunnel of the left hand side is a pathway, its quick old and thus rubble and branches are inside on the floor. We feel this would be a suitable shot for a character running towards the camera, as it would appear the tunnel is getting smaller yet the character us getting bigger to the audience. As it will be dark within the tunnel, the audience wont be able to see what is behind the characters and what he could possibly be running from thus will attract the audience who are curious a to what it is as it is just out of their reach to know.
This wooded area is suitable for a tracking shot, as if the camera shot is a POV (point of view) from what is chasing the character or a POV of the character running through. We think we will shoot both, but only actually use one within the trailer as to not confuse the audience.
- Running through this area was difficult, so instead of a tracking shot we set the camera up on a tripod as whilst looking through the camera to make sure we captured the character running, you could not also concentrate on the ground and it proved to be too difficult to carry out safely without the cameraman tripping and falling. 

This area is ideal for a long shot as it has depth.
- On the day of filming we changed our mind from this particular area as we felt there was too much contrast between the left handside which was heavily wooded and the righthand side which was a complete open space.
 - We avoided this area due to the risk of someone possibly falling into the river as the slope was small but quite steep and the snow/ice made it slippy and we agreed the shot wasnt worth the risk on the day.