Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Inspirational Movie Posters

Our task is to create a promotional package for a new film. This includes a trailer, magazine cover and poster for the film. We have collected, analysed and annotated various film posters for the elements we particularly like and have taken as inspiration.

The film title is Hanna, which has a target over it. The image of the girl using a gun and with cuts on her face suggests she is Hanna whom is being targeted. The canted angle of the image may reflect the characters state of mind as to being target to be killed or hurt. With these elements featured on the poster it is fair to assume the film is in the genre of action. We want to use elements on our poster well enough to make it obvious what the genre of the product is.

On our poster we plan to use high contrast of lighting. This should create the effect of shadows, which will display to the audience mystery and hopefully intrigue them to our film. We think we may use the high key lighting on the poster as a device to portray clearly to the audience who the main characters are and who the victims are. The main image will be the largest element of the poster, however our title is also going to be of a decent size. This is because the title of the film will be how the audience identify our product thus is has to be eye catching and easy to read, so if the poster was at a bus stop and as the bus drove past the potential audience member could read the title and remember it.

The main image will not include a lot of colour, it will me more of a black and white. We will however use one specific colour for each character to connote and  reveal something about their personality and then this will help the audience connect and identify with them.

Our overall aim for the poster is that it will be striking enough to catch someones attention and as a stand alone promotional element would entice them to want to see the film. The elements on our poster will make it clear what the genre of the film is. 

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