- The abbreviation for 'exterior location' is EXT. The abbreviation for 'interior location' is INT.
- Capital letters are used to indicate which character is about to speak whilst lower case letters indicate what that character says and also any actions.
- Bold font is used to indicate a location.
- The type of cut which is occuring indicates a move between scenes followed by a colon. For example the move between a scene will appear as so ' CUT TO: '
- Each new scene is marked by a number. ( Scene 1 will be marked as '1.')
We viewed the trailer for Sherlock Holmes and studied the screenplay. We concentrated on the characters dialogue and what it suggests about the character by the way they speak it. We considered the tone of voice, social class and attitude towards others because this is something we need to consider for the characters within our trailer. As its a horror, they are more likely to be serious, loud and the fear should be hear in their voices.
Before we have create our own screenplay for our own trailer, we decided it may would be beneficial to practice creating a script:
We received feedback from our lecturer. We each created our own script for this task, and both of us only received a D grade. This highlights that creating a script is a weakness for both of us, so we have now took into account and plan to apply this criticism to the script we create for our trailer to make it professional and in the correct format.
The following screenplay is what we have created for our product. Whilst creating this, we struggled to decide what the characters should say and when as it is a trailer and not a short film which should flow better, although we still wanted the audience to somewhat understand what was occurring in the trailer otherwise they would not find it appealing and want to view the film if the teaser trailer only confused them. We feel this screenplay particularly the characters speech, is more of a guideline than something which is set to be followed to a tee.
Well done - this shows your learning and development process which is always a really positive thing to place on your blogs. I also really like that you have taken my feedback into consideration and acted upon it - well done !!!