The link above will redirect you to a facebook we have created. The purpose of its creation was to be a sort of connection between us as producers and our products target audience. It is a modern method to collect data and feedback. An example of how we collect such data through this, is that we have asked a question through a status and then the target audience has commented back. Through it we are collecting qualitative data.
This is some of the questions we asked and the feedback we recieved.
We plan to adapt our film to include suitable features the audience mentions. What the audience wants the audience gets, our objective is to keep them happy. If our product includes features they like, it will attract them and overall we will be successful.
Characters emotions, influences the audiences emotions. So as the actors scream, we aim to make sure their faces convey such fear.
The soundtrack seems to be an important component in the horror film. We plan to use sound perspective (a lone characters hearing POV) , diegetic sound (the movement of trees) , non diegetic sound (incidental music thats leads to a shock) , dialogue ( character speech) and empathetic music ( to manipulate the audience emotions to experience the characters fear).
The feedback highlighted that the audience expect to jump in fear and experience a shock surprise. We plan to build up to something they will not expect at the end of the trailer to see if we can give them the element of surprise they want.
We asked the predicted target audience about what type horror's they prefer and don't prefer to watch on our Facebook page. This gave us a more of an idea how to make our film and also helped in planning it beforehand. We have discussed this feedback together and agree we do not want to make the product too cliche as it then it becomes predictable and defeats the objective of a horror film.
The final design of the institutional logo was also shown to our target audience to receive their feedback and see what they thought of it. The feedback we received was mostly positive and it gave us confidence that our institution logo was successful to a degree. People said it was professional which we thought was a huge compliment.
Can you include some of the actual feedback here also. I would be good to see what your audience think.